Wir sind eine Konversationsgruppe aus Collado Villalba und Umgebung, die sich jeden Freitagmorgen trifft, um Deutsch zu üben.
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Somos un grupo de conversación de Collado Villalba y alrededores, que queda cada viernes por la mañana para practicar alemán.
Aquí encontrarás los temas que tratamos cada semana y una interesante recopilación de todo aquello que atañe al idioma alemán.

Samstag, 13. Juli 2013

Ruppe Koselleck

Ruppe Koselleck was born on 18 July 1967 in Heidelberg, studied art at Lutz Mommartz, worked as a rabbit breeder, Porsche dealer, washer of corpses as well as as visual artist and teacher.

The conceptual artist currently also teaches experimental communication of art at the University of Osnabrück and runs the Youtube channel of INTEGRANT INTERVENTIONS.
Next to exhibitions in Japan, Mexico and the United States, Koselleck pursues the hostile takeover of the BP group that he plans to destroy by selling their own waste.
At TEDxMünster on 24th of May 2013 Koselleck explains how he collects oil at the beaches of the world since over 10 years to produce crude oil paintings and eventually sell these to buy shares of BP. As the artist calculated it will only take him another 137 years to succeed with taking over BP by selling their own waste.

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